Read 4000 Read 4000 is an attempt to capture the simple idea that in order to grow in reading achievement, starting at 4 th grade, children need to read about 800,000 words per year. That’s just to keep up with the 50 th %ile of reading achievement. Students in the top 10% of reading achievement are reading on average 2.3 million words per year. For a point of reference the complete series of 7 Harry Potter books contains about 1 million words. A Simple Number Trying to communicate reading volume in terms of words per year doesn’t go well. Most people have resorted to setting goals based on a number of books per year. The Southern Regional Education Board, Making Middle Grades Work, and High Schools that Work recommend setting a goal of 25 books per year. Donalyn Miller, author of The Book Whisperer and Reading in the Wild , recommends 40 books per year. In all cases they recommend finding a way to allow/account for longer books, short boo...
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